Photos | Industry and Nature

Industry and Nature


A cloudy sky hangs over a river spanned by a dam, with a factory looming in the background. The scenery draws the eye from the grassy riverbank in the foreground to the impressive architecture of the factory, a testament to human industry and construction on the waterfront.

BLIP-2 Description:

a river with a dam and a factory in the background

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Original Dimensions:

3520w x 2346h - (download 4k)

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* WARNING: The title and caption of this image were generated by an AI LLM (gpt-3.5-turbo-0301 from OpenAI) based on a BLIP-2 image-to-text labeling, tags, location, people and album metadata from the image and are potentially inaccurate, often hilariously so. If you'd like me to adjust anything, just reach out.